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A Global Banking Crisis is the Endgame

A Global Banking Crisis is the Endgame

Matt Dines, CIO, walks through the latest in the troubled banking sector, including how commercial real estate losses will trickle down throughout the world. We also take a look at some long term charts of the dollar and US Treasury yields to understand the United States position under perpetual deficits and sky-high debt levels. We conclude with Matt’s opinion that the last excuse to buy bitcoin at asset managers is now gone.

Bitcoin-Backed Private Credit

Bitcoin-Backed Private Credit

Our Co-Founder and CIO, Matt Dines, spoke with Bloomberg Radio’s Paul Sweeney about the value proposition behind our Build Secured Income Fund I — how we believe Bitcoin serves as compelling collateral compared to other options such as commercial real estate which we believe are more time intensive and costly to settle in the recovery process.

Is the Treasury Market Breaking?

Is the Treasury Market Breaking?

In this episode, we are joined by Build CIO Matt Dines. Matt walks us through the epic bear market in Treasuries and projects that investors are approaching yield levels that will bring portfolios a lot of pain. Nik asks Matt to explain why the 3-month/6-month Treasury bill curve is inverted and what it means for markets.